Et si tu n’existais pas

"Why do we, humans, exist? What is our purpose, our mission?"

Ever wondered what humanity would miss out on if you were never born? What if the forces of the universe had not aligned, your parents had never met, or you had never been conceived? What would the world have lost? You might feel your existence is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps you think that each of us is just a speck of sand, and to believe we have special value is selfish and self-centered.

But I beg to differ. I believe each human life is precious; we are all given a one-in-a-million chance to be born, to exist. Consider it for a minute. What were the odds of you being born in the first place? Can we even predict such a ratio? And yet, here we are—living and breathing—so let’s make it count! Let’s explore what makes our lives worth living, what we are willing to die for, what transforms our seemingly meaningless existence into something meaningful.

I named my blog "Et si tu n'existais pas" ("If you didn’t exist"), inspired by a famous song by the French singer Joe Dassin, because the meaning of existence and existential psychology speaks to me the most. I frequently ask myself, "Why do we, humans, exist? What is our purpose, our mission?" But in this blog, as you read and comment on my stories, I invite you to ask yourself, "Why do YOU exist? What if you didn’t? What would the universe be like without you?"


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