Why blog? 

Painting of a woman

This blog is an invitation to self-discovery, a journey through the landscapes of life and love. Thank you for diving in with me!

I never considered myself a writer, but I love to write. Much like a musician with their cherished instrument, I share a bond with my laptop. We've journeyed together since grad school, a time when I spent more hours with my laptop than with my own children.  Its rose gold color cheered me up whenever I felt down. The simple act of pressing the first key would set my heart alight, transforming letters into words. It felt like striking the opening chord of a beautiful sonata, with the music of writing filling my soul.

From as early as I can remember, I have been a storyteller. At the age of three, I would gather the children in my daycare to weave enchanting fairy tales, much to the delight of my teachers who could catch a quick nap while I held court. In grade school, my literature teacher would call on me to breathe life into poetry and novels, making me their "voice." Yet, it wasn't until my 30s that I discovered the power of sharing my stories in written form. By my early 40s, I had found my voice, crafting short essays, personal reflections, and academic papers. Writing became a medium through which I could express my deepest self and vision. My stories grew into life reflections that overflowed the confines of my Facebook account. Encouraged by friends and family, I was urged to continue writing and to share the vivid pictures painted by my imagination.

This blog is an invitation to self-discovery, a journey through the landscapes of life and love. Thank you for diving in with me!


Et si tu n’existais pas